Oh, That Shadow of Darkness

Early this morning, as is customary in God’s awakening me, I continued my reading of the New Testament. Reading 1 John 1:5, I read “And this is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” I thought about that light. I wondered, what type of light was it? Was it an all-encompassing light? A guiding light? My meditations fixed on the light as being a ‘guiding light,’ and that my call was to walk in that light. Ever before me, I was to follow that glorious light. Quickly, I then thought how that light washed over me as I walked towards it, and how it left behind me a shadow of darkness. I wondered about that and inquired of my Lord.

“Lord?” I asked, “what is the light that washes over me in front but leaves a shadow behind me?”

“Child,” Father answered, “the light that washes over you is the light of my Son… His righteousness washes over you and that is how I see you… basking in my Son’s righteousness.”

“Yes, Lord, thank you Jesus.” Of course, I had another question so I inquired further, “But what of the shadow that follows me? Your Word says that there is no shadow of darkness in you.”

“And there isn’t a shadow – it is yours. From my vantage point, I see none for your sins. Your sins were cast as far as the east from the west. However, that shadow of darkness that trails behind are your sins… the sins that my Son’s death covered but you will remember as a guiltless stain that trails you.”

“Is that necessary Lord? Although I’ve been relieved of the terrible guilt I have felt in the past, why must I remember them?”

“Why? Lest you forget and lose gratitude… lest you forget and fall back into sin and darkness… lest you forget and I must chasten a son that I love, and because I do love you, I’ll cause affliction to be brought upon you for the benefit of your instruction and teaching… lest you fall away and harm another of my precious children who may follow your company… lest you… Shall I continue?”

“As you will, Lord, but I think I understand.”

Oh, how I love early mornings like this – yes, even more than sleep.

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