Song of Songs: The Tender Grapes

The Tender Grapes

Song of Solomon 2:13


Pastor’s Opening

THE vine is of all trees the most useless unless it bears fruit. You cannot make hardly anything of it; you would scarcely be able to cut enough wood out of a vine to hang a pot upon; you cannot turn it into furniture, and barely could you use it in the least degree for building purposes. It must either bear fruit, or else it must be consumed in the fire. The branches of the vine that bear no fruit are necessarily cut off, and they are used, as I have seen them used in the South of France many a time, in little twisted bundles for kindling the fire. They burn very rapidly, so there is soon an end of them, and then they are gone.




Scripture Verse(s)

Song of Solomon 2:13

“The vines with the tender grape give a good smell.”

Keys to the Verse

The Vines:

Tender Grapes: 
New Believers 

Good Smell:
Gifts/Fruits of Salvation

About this sermon:

I was a young, tender grape once – yes, many years ago. Nevertheless, I can look back and remember what it was like… the frustration and challenges faced by those ‘older, and wiser’ within the church. This sermon puts all on notice – young and old!


Main Theme’s 


II. Now I must try to answer our second question, — WHAT IS THE LORD’S ESTIMATE OF THESE TENDER GRAPES?

III. So I come to my third and closing question, — WHAT IS THE DANGER TO THESE TENDER GRAPES? 

So, brethren, I close with this remark. If you have any sign of spiritual life, if you have any tender grapes upon your branches, the devil and his foxes will be sure to be at you; therefore, endeavour to get as close as ever you can to two persons who are mentioned hard by my text, namely, the King and his spouse. First, keep close to Christ, for this is your life; and next, keep close to his Church, for this is your comfort.

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